Toll Brothers Ascension Summerlin Takes Shape!
August 3, 2023
Summerlin Nevada: The Ultimate Destination for California Homebuyers
August 12, 2023Why Are People Relocating to Las Vegas?
In this post, I will give you several reasons why relocating to Las Vegas is on the rise. As a Las Vegas Realtor, I handle a majority of relocations every year. As a person that relocated from Los Angeles, CA. 20 years ago, I understand the challenges and the reasons behind someone wanting to relocate out of state to Las Vegas. Thinking of moving to Summerlin too? I can help you too!
Quality of Life Issues:
It seems to me when I talk to my clients the biggest complaint I am hearing from them is quality of life. For some people this is crime, homelessness, traffic, smog, daily expenses not keeping up with income etc as well as their real estate market is not afforable. Time afer time I hear the same complaints from my clients. Most of my clients relocating from out of state are from California, just like me. I wanted to leave LA because after almost 30 years of living there I saw the writing on the wall. Things were not going well 20 years ago let alone what’s going on right now in LA.
You get to a point in your life that you want something more for yourself. For me, I changes careers from being a Police Officer to becoming a Realtor. I got tired of the long hours, the long commute to work everyday and jsut seeing how bad things kept getting in LA. I guess I can relate to people when they call me complaining about the same things I had experienced earlier in my life.
As your Summerlin Realtor, I can assist you in finding your perfect Summerlin Home. If you have any questions about Summerlin, Summerlin homes for sale or other issues, please check out my web site or contact me anytime.
Real Estate Prices And Affordability:
If you bought a home in let’s say Los Angeles 20+ years ago, more than likely you have equity in your home and you will make a very nice profit. Home prices in LA have a huge range to them. You could spend $650,000.00 for a condo in the San Fernando Valley and maybe get 1,200 square feet? That same $650,000.00 could easily get you a brand new home in Summerlin.
Home prices in Las Vegas can start around $450,000.00 as of August 2023 and can go into the millions. It depends on what your requirements are for your new home. That’s something you and I should talk about on the phone. You can call me directly at: 702-768-2552. Let’s have that conversation!
You could also cash our your home’s value and live a more affordable lifesytle here based on cashing out your homes current value and buying a more affordable home here in Las Vegas, Summerlin or Henderson. The point I am making is that you are transferring your equity from one state to another. Nevada has no state income taxes, our food and gas costs are also cheaper than in California. Our communities are newer and better planned out. Our freeways are easy to navigate from one part of Las Vegas to the other. All of these things fall into affordability. Less traffic means less money for gas, cheaper food prices and gas prices reduce your monthly expenses if you are on a fixed income or if you are retired.
Business Friendly And No State Income Taxes:
If you run a business in California, you know how hard that state is on taxes, regualtions and jsut not business friendly at all. In Nevada, we believe in welcoming businesses here besides the casino industry. In the past decade we have seen companies like Google, Amazon, Switch and many others come into the Las Vegas Valley. Las Vegas is a tech city and easy for businesses to work here and create new job opportunities.
No state income taxes will at least save you 13% of your salary per year compared to California’s 13% income. Las Vegas is easily a 4 hour drive to Phoenix, Arizona and well as the Los Angeles area too which makes Las Vegas a great city to relocate to. You are still close to other states and cities too. More businesses are relocating here for the chance to better their business and grow their companies.
As as Las Vegas Realtor, I keep up with current events that affect our local economy as well as our real estate market.
Massive Growth and New Career Opportunities:
Just in the past 6 years Las Vegas has added the NHL (Vegas Golden Knights-Stanley Cup Champs 2023!) the NFL (Las Vegas Raiders) which Allegiant Stadium sells the most amount of tickets out of any NFL Stadium in the USA. Now, we are getting the Oakland A’s which will start playing locally in 2025 and will become the Las Vegas A’s. We are creating more career paths for local Las Vegas residents besides the casino industry. Professional sports offers higher paying jobs as well as the tech industry that is out here too.
The State of Nevada is currently working on a tax incentive plan to entice the motion picture industry to move out here. Sony Pictures and The Howard Hughes Corporation have teamed up to build a 58 acre motion picture studio in the heart of Summerlin. Check it out here: https://lvrealty4sale.com/summerlin-production-studio-project/
The NBA will be next and an NBA arena is planned on starting construction in 2024. UNLV is planning on starting a program to teach people the inner workings of the motion picture industry.
There is so much going on in Las Vegas that I truly believe this city offers so much to people if they choose to seek it out. If you are thinking about moving here, give me a call. Let’s chat. Let’s see if I can help you with your relocation. Call me, let’s chat:702-768-2552. I look forward to becoming your Summerlin Realtor.