New Construction Homes Summerlin
May 26, 2023
Moving to Las Vegas: Why People are Leaving Los Angeles
June 5, 2023Oakland A’s Release Drawings of New Las Vegas Ballpark- A few days ago the Las Vegas Review Journal and several other media outlets released several drawings of what will become the Las Vegas A’s new ballpark. Currently, the Tropicana Hotel will be the site for this beautiful new ballpark for Las Vegas and Major League Baseball. The Oakland A’s have stated that these drawings could change and nothing is set in stone yet. The Las Vegas Athletics have a lot to figure out in the next few months.
Timeline of Events:
As of the date of this blog post, the Oakland A’s will continue to play at Ring Central Coliseum until the end of the 2024 baseball season. Talks are under way right now for the Oakland A’s to play at Downtown Summerlin’s Las Vegas Ballpark. You can check out my Downtown Summerlin page here: https://lvrealty4sale.com/downtown-summerlin-nv/
When Oakland moves and becomes The Las Vegas Athletics, more than likely for the 2025, and 2026 baseball seasons expect them to play at the Las Vegas Ballpark at Downtown Summerlin. The park can hold 10,000 fans and it’s an amazing place to see professional baseball games. Summerlin has a lot to offer as for food, shopping and entertainment. This will just add more flare to the area. It will be great to see The Las Vegas Athletics play in Summerlin.
New Ballpark Timeline:
Construction timelines have not yet been released. Expect a 2 year built out starting in 2024 and being finished for the start of the 2027 baseball season. The Tropicana Hotel will be demolished. The entire prooprty will be flattened to make room for this new project. There are talks right now between Ballys Corp that owns the Tropicana of making this into some type of sports complex. Hopefully they will have a hotel attached to the stadium like Toronto has for their ballpark.
Current Images of The New Ballpark:
Be sure to also check out my You Tube information with drone footage of Las Vegas and Summerlin. I also cover major stories that affect our Las Vegas Valley too. From places to eat, visit and new construction projects. Be Sure to subscribe and visit my channel here: www.youtube.com/summerlinrealtor
You can also call me directly at: 702-768-2552 if you have any additional questions.