Las Vegas as of March 2025 has an average home sales price of $485,000.00. A realistic budget for a decent size 1,800 to 2,300 square feet home should be around $485,000.00 to $700,000.00. This depends on location, if it’s a brand new home being built or if it’s a resale home on the MLS. Most homes in this pricing point have at least 3 bedrooms and a loft as well as a decent size lot. If you are looking for a single-story home, expect to pay 15 to 20% more than a two-story home listed above.
San Francisco Housing Trends:
San Francisco housing is seeing a shift in trends. 1 out of 8 homes are no longer having any equity left and will face short sale or foreclosure conditions. Also, buyers are not coming into the San Francisco housing markets which could mean you will start losing equity in your home if there is not a solid pool of home buyers. More people are leaving San Francisco and the state of California than people moving to the state and to the city. That should be a huge concern for you if you have a lot of equity in your current home.

Traffic Conditions:
Our traffic here is nothing like you would expect to see on the 280 or 101 freeways in San Francisco. Las Vegas traffic tends to happen during peak traveling hours such as 8 am to 9 am and 4pm to 6pm. This does not mean you will be stuck in hours of traffic. During high peak traffic conditions you can still travel at speeds above 45 MPH. It’s very rare to be sitting in traffic here unless there is a traffic accident or an incident on the freeway. The 215 Beltway is 53 miles long and circles our valley. It makes it very easy to travel anywhere in the Las Vegas Valley. Also, most North, South, East and West streets can take you from one part of the Valley to another. It’s very simple to get around Las Vegas.
Jobs and The Future of Las Vegas:
Currently, Las Vegas is seeing massive growth of the tech industry as well as professional sports. Tech companies like Switch, Amazon and Google have a big presence in Las Vegas. More California tech companies are moving here all the time due to a business friendly state environment. The future of Las Vegas looks bright. We keep building new housing, new business spaces and we plan things out. We do not just build things and not address future water needs or traffic conditions. Las Vegas has amazing planning and city governments that think about the future needs of this city. Sony and Warner Brothers Discovery may also open up a motion picture studio here in Summerlin by 2028.
Why Move Here?
If you are sick and tired of quality of life issues, affordability issues, traffic and crime issues, check out Las Vegas. The other huge benefit from California to Las Vegas, Nevada is that we have no state income taxes. That right there can save you at least 13% per year of your income. Maybe it’s time to have a conversation with me about how my life has changed since I moved here 22 years ago.
How Can I Help You?
First off, I was in your position 22 years ago so I understand that change can be difficult as well as hard to complete. I can give you advice as to why I left California as well as how my life has changed for the better. Call me now at: 702-768-2552 for more information about relocating to Las Vegas.