New Homes Summerlin

September 20, 2022

Las Vegas Realtor Gives You Tips When Building a New Home!

Las Vegas Realtor Gives You Tips When Building a New Home! In the past few months, I have had several people on my channel tell me that they are having a lot of problems with delays on their new home. They wanted to know if I had any sugeestions […]
September 20, 2022

In-N-Out Burger to Build a “Retro” 1940’s Location Across From Allegiant Stadium

In-N-Out Burger to Build a “Retro” 1940’s Location in Las Vegas In-N-Out Burger to Build a “Retro” 1940’s Location Across From Allegiant Stadium-Construction is already underway across from Allegiant Stadium for what will be the most unique In-N-Out in the US. The difference between this location and the other locations […]
September 7, 2022

Howard Hughes Corporation Targets California Businesses to Relocate to Summerlin

Los Angeles, CA. VS. Summerlin, Nevada  In a new effort to gain more businesses to relocate from California, The Howard Huges Corporation is coming up with a new Summerlin campaign. The highlights of this campaign focus on qaulity of life compared to that of Los Angeles, CA. I am originally […]
May 6, 2021

U.S. Eviction Ban is Unconstitutional Says US District Court

U.S. Eviction Ban is Unconstitutional Says U.S. District Court-On May 5, 2021 U.S. Circuit Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ruled that the CDC order from last year violates the law. That order banned evictions based on Covid-19. The Judge stated it violates the Due Process clause of the US Constitution. The […]
March 8, 2021

February Home Prices in Las Vegas Set a New Record

Supply and Demand… Just when you think things in Las Vegas Real Estate can’t get any craizer, you see this happening…. February Home Prices in Las Vegas Set a New Record. Inventory contiunes to remain low and demand continues to remain higher than expected for this time of year.  The […]